Monday, March 01, 2010

dedicated to friends

Wherever you go... spread love and not hatred... It might be little tough but its possible.

In college... you were one among a group.. which had a tiff with another... which had tiff with another... but you were like, knowing and talking to people in each group without showing any difference... and still a part of your own group... love doesn't teach people to be arrogant... it may be the loyalty that separated people into groups... he wasn't loyal to a group.. but he was loyal to the love.... that's how he made friends.. wherever he went he made people to be good acquaint.... yeah acquaintance is the first step to a life long friendship... whoever took the acquaint serious... took it forward and made them friends for life... whoever felt they just wanted to remain as acquaint... stayed so and moved on with their life....

People who were found to be in different groups... got a chance to share a room when they took a job in a new place... what a magic... they mutually felt... we have a found a friend who matches well with our wavelength... and what a shame we missed them in college days... college has put a boundary to groups.. and being loyal to the group was the only concern... we never took steps to get well or even talk to new people... once we were out of that groups and college boundary... we were ourselves.. and thats when we understood we are meant to be good friends.....

Whenever people who matches your wavelength sees you... they make a friendship for the rest of your life... however late you meet them in life... He made quite a few in college... few in first company.... few in second... few outside the companies.... no money ties them... only their ideology, attitude and the way they look at life...

friends are easy to find... hard to keep... but easy to understand... and hard to lose.. once you find them... goodluck to everyone... go break the boundaries... make friends... keep them safe in your heart.... treasure them...

- my love to all :-)


Murali said...

I never thought like this. But this is true. Loyalty.

padfOOt said...

Awesome mate! Love you!

bgood said...

@murali: yes machi.. I have seen this college and those people who seem to arrogant with you were like the best people :) once they took a job... and no groups exist now... all are one group.. uzhaikum varkam :))

@anand: thanks anand.. I am glad you liked the writing.