Sunday, March 07, 2010

no.. this is not a spiritual topic

I don't believe in idol worship or worshiping the so-called saints who are yet another homosapien in this world.

Recent HOT news was the saint nithyananda caught in a videotape with a actress involved in sex? hmm... and after the video was out... those who believed in nithyananda went on setting fire to his posters/banners and did a rampage to his ashrams.

Who is this nithyananda? Who made him a saint? Why do anyone go to him? Why do anyone destroy public properties and private properties that belonged to his ashrams? and one last question is this the first time we are getting a news on a saint that he is not trueful?

Nithyananda is just a human being who had no special powers.. except a talent on mesmirising people with his talk. But was he was talking anything new that no on knows? No, people like know that they talk the samething that everyone knows.. its like everyone knows what is a bread and butter... but they want someone to apply the butter on the bread and give it to them... which is ready to eat. Learn the art instead of believing in someone is my go.

People go to him and the so called saints like him.. seeking peace.. which probably they lost in their life. My question... is peace a article or something which you can find in this outer space?? why do you search something that you lost within yourself.... outside? search it within you... free your mind... leave of the egos.... search for a solution with you... instead of going to these f***ers and avoid losing more of your mind and patience when you get to know their real face.... people are afraid to take steps and find a solution to their problems from someone else.... if you think harder... he or she says something that you know... and in the course of suggesting solution(readymade solutions.. which you look for) they make money... and become crorepatis.. millionares...

Before burning his posters/banners/properties... people should burn their beliefs in the saints like him... so that they won't fall for another guy in the future.

I hate people changing their names to change their luck... why don't you spend your time working harder to change your luck instead of finding new ways to achieve success in whatever you pursue?

f**k the so called saints... f**k 'em all.

My takes on life..

1. Believe in yourself... seek happiness/peace within you.
2. Don't be blind and get tied with these spiritual stuff... if you don't know what it is.
3. Believe in your work.. and put some effort to get the results... there is no shortcut to success or for that any stage in life.
4. Do something that enlightens you... that interests you.. and find happiness in it.
5. Spread love.
6. Find a learning in everything you come across.


padfOOt said...

Right topic!! Anyone who talks about love, motivation, peace, life, self-realisation, knowledge is considered a saint and his talks, spiritual!

Darn misunderstanding!

Way to write, bro!!

Still these people go behind another Homo [hetero ;-)] sapiens! They never want to get off their blindfolds! I wish they someday realize before it's too late! A million 'Periyars' are required for today, I guess!

Murali said...

Nepanandha.. nepanandha.. hehehehe.

bgood said...

@anand: thanks anand...

@murali: no no.. I don't want to be another anandha :))) people doesn't seem to understand... their name already has anandha.. which says like they are already enjoying... they why do people believe them in first place ;)))