Tuesday, February 16, 2010

does questioning needs authority

Hmm.... couple of instances today at the college.

Scene1: Security asking me to wear the ID card around the neck (does it not look like a license on the dogs neck ;)

I was wearing the ID card as usual on my pant pockets which is clearly visible to anyone.. for the security too... his question was "why can't you wear it around the neck?" I said I am not hiding anything and I am feeling more comfortable wearing it this way... and then the words exchange started... "you are for the government.. and government is not for you" for which I promptly replied... people make the government and the government is for the people... I asked him again if his problem was me not having the ID or not having the ID around me neck... then he stopped somehow and said I can't win talking to you ;). I don't feel this as a victory or something... but before questioning they should know the purpose of ID and students are not someone who has to follow whatever these guys demand...

Scene2: Me and Anand questioning some B.Tech girls about putting the garbage on the dustbins and keeping the college clean...

First response I got was... Does college appoint you to question you like this?? why that question in first place.... don't you feel responsible for what you do? does anyone tell you at home not to put the garbage in the middle of the hall??? I asked again "is this not your college?" cooly one girl replied... no this is not my college.. then why the hell do you come and make my college dirty....

people... please realize yourself that public place is just like your home... and please carry on the same responsibilities which you follow at home to keep it clean....

all these sayings are like "shouting at deaf people"... I will keep shouting or make it in writing or make pictures.. and find new ways to make you people realize what you have been doing to your surroundings....

"prevention is better than cure... or rather prevention is the only cure.." not just for AIDS but for polluting our nature too...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is there something called fate?

I really do not know where to start, when I ask this question to myself... and once I start discussing... I don't know where to stop :-D

Is it fate of someone who is involved in a accident to be there at that particular moment.. and to die or get injured as a group? if yes, then is it the fate again to gather all people at one location and make the tremors to hit them? or is it the fate that make a guy to be in a workplace where he gets promoted to a higher position?

I see no concrete answers from anyone or any forum for these sort of questions... and so is the question is there god?? :) one of my friend used to tell me... nature is god..I accept with this to some extent... I won't say it as god.. but a super power.. which can erase all the human inventions... sun, water, land, fire.... it can't be controlled unless you follow a rule... don't cross your borders... cheat/spoil nature... and make it go against you...

I don't believe in idol worship or worshipping god only on the special days or only when you need some support... darn god.. won't come and solve things by himself if you are not willing to take steps to solve your own problems....

help yourself first... if yourself can't help it.. then hardly anybody can...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Appreciate the birds commitment towards its kido

See the picture for yourself to witness it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

when the life gets complete?

When does the life gets complete?

I often used to get this question... I get answers as questions in turn... ;)

1) Is that when you get good marks in your 10th std or 12th std?
2) Is that when you get placed in campus interview?
3) Is that when you get handful of money and you find ways to spend it?
4) Is that when you find a girlfriend, lover or soulmate?
5) Is that when you raise a family all by yourself?
6) Is that when you retire and enjoy the rest after working for all these years?
7) Is that when you die?

Huh.. only these many questions? :-D

Then.... I decided to answer these questions and find a meaning to myself.

A1) Nope. I used to feel.. if we study well in 10th or 12th and get a seat in good college... then life will get settled all by itself.... but I realized later... life is a continuous learning process.. so is the professional life too.
A2) Nope. I thought life will be easier if we get placed thru' campus interview... but then most of the people who got placed thru' campus interview have grown up the ladder in the same company.. but did they really exploit their talents... I guess no. I always felt I got things the hard way... just like my first job :) but that has moulded me well... to face even a crisis.
A3) Nope. Indeed it was a pleasure to spend the way you like and enjoy life.. but we came to reality I had to take a personal loan to meet a big expense :-D so saving whatever you can when you have something surplus will save your a** was the lesson learnt.
A4) Yes and No. Having girlfriend is a fashion.. is it? hmm... I did not fall into that.. but I found a girl who will be suitable for me... and she turned to be my soulmate(not just wife).. life was complete then... you can say life is kind of complete only when you find a soulmate...
A5) Nope. When you raise a family all by yourself... you get to know the pain your parents have gone through to make you complete... and you do the same thing for your kids... so this goes on in a cycle.. and most people get lost in time :(
A6) Nope. After working for all the years.. do you think you can sit and enjoy? hmm... from what I have seen, people who have really worked(NO.. its not same as going to office everyday and having no ethics for yourself to do your duty) can't sit idle.. so want to contribute something for the society... but having worked for all these years... they get tired easily by seeing the current state of affairs...
A7) Nope. When you die... your name fades away with time... your memories too.. unless you have made difference while you live(NO, its no same as just counting days, weeks and years.... it is to learn, to teach, to follow and to do your contribution to the society).

After answering the questions.. only one thing striked me.. that is

"Time is NOW"

If you get a chance to make a change then don't hesitate to grab the oppurtunity... but don't keep waiting for the oppurtunities.. sometimes you need to create a chance by yourself... and let people realize their potential... and make this practice a chain reaction.

Having said all these... will my life be complete then?

It WON'T :) I don't want it to be complete... but I will live forever in memories and the chain goes on and on... and make life a cycle.

- Leaders are made.. not just born(forget about politicians son turning another politician :-p