Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I just started thinking what is inspiration??

Well, What is inspiration??

The Inspiration what i could think over is, "special influence of somebody/some goal" ???

"Special Influence of Somebody" - well well most of us might come across only this kind IMHO. Like getting inspired by some person, say whoever achieved earlier in the related field or in some field or in general. Vivekananda inspires yougnsters with his sayings, Gandhiji inspires, some scientist inspiring another... some cricketer inspiring another budding star.. and the list goes on... but what if those person were also looking out for influence from someone else, when there was no one actually to follow.... ?? this question only made me to come to the second kind of Inspiration. Getting inspired by Some Goal??

"Special Influence of Some Goal" - when someone starts working towards some goal, they face lot of issues/problems/hindrances and it grows on and on... but the steady concentration and the inspiration to reach that goal grows with failures and that makes the person to achieve.. isn't it?? Choosing the right goal... believing in that it is achievable will make one to get inspired and work towards that goal?? oh no... whats my goal ?? %-6 whats the way to reach it??? Too many thoughts coming into my mind... why sudden thoughts?? whatever.. if i get to know my achievable goal soon... i will be happy :`-(


Manikam said...

Dictionary.com says Inspiration:

1. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.

2. The condition of being so stimulated.

An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention.

As for me, the biggest driving force is Aspiration. My Aspiration is the source of inspiration in me. But since my aspirations are very high they genrally lead to a lot of prespiration too. But there is one good thing about aspiring high:
Inorder to achieve all that is possible you should aim for the impossible. Even if you fail you'll end up getting what best you could, right?

bgood said...

Inspiration by aspiration is one topic which i missed. True it is aspiring high always would end in something best. Looking for more thoughts from others, lets see what karthik and kicha has gotta say :)