Wednesday, June 04, 2008

common sense!

Some friend sent me a mail.. it was an obituary message for "common sense". I really don't understand why someone could name a sense "common" when its so uncommon and also when its not among the normal senses of a human being... or does it?

When someone gives horn, we try to give way.. but when we are blocked by a traffic jam.. whats the point in giving horn? I see the samething in a traffic signal too.. when there is a countdown timer and red light is on.. people simply start giving horn when the timer comes to 10,9,8... this is the reason most of the signals are not using the timer nowdays I think... traffic woes is at its best in bangalore.. but pondicherry might soon break it! in pondicherry you gotta watch all the directions while driving... someone used to say if you can drive in chennai u can drive anywhere... later it changed to if you can drive in bangalore.. ucan drive anywhere in the world... soon it will get changed to if you can drive in pondicherry......


Murali said...

Soon it will change? It is already. If somebody doesn't agree to it, probably he is not yet in Pondy traffic.

ச.பிரேம்குமார் said...


எப்படி இருந்த புதுவை எப்படி ஆகிடுச்சு???? சைக்கிள் ஓட்டும் போதே விதிகள மதிக்காத நம்மாளுங்க கிட்ட கார ஓட்ட கொடுத்தா என்னாகும்???

Unknown said...

ya ofcourse bro..Still no one s following traffic rules.Nowadays we hav seen lot of accidents in our day-today life..My kind req to everyone is dont drive fast.Dont use mob while driving.