Sunday, June 19, 2005

Fathers day!

A day to say thanks to our fathers!!

I am not sure, when all these days (friends day, close friends day, this day.. that day....).. came into picture in india... celebrating everything we got in our life... but sure celebrating our fathers/mothers is a great thing to do... according to me father's won't express so much to us directly as mothers do.. but they do express a lot to our mom or close friends.... my father too was not an exception, he won't express too much in terms of senti.. and things like that... but father too fears a lot about my/my brothers and all others safety... and express it in a different way... but i do did something to make my father express so much to me during my school days... its there in my memory very freshly... once i did something wrong.. and made my father scold me with bad words... i did not accept that he should have scolded me with that word... and i did not take food in the morning.. i said the thirukural to my father.. "theenal sutta punn...... " my father felt for it.. and said sorry and he never scolded me after that... though its a word in anger... i made a scene out of it.. :( if i think of it.. i laugh at it... but sure my father is great man.. who gave up smoking even for us... when we asked why he left smoking... he would say... i was spening 100's on that every month.. i thought i would make it a pocket money for us.... that(smoking) was the only thing.. he might have spent for himself at that time... but he left that too for us.... which made me never to smoke :) though i have tried it... i did not make it a habit thinking of all of this...

Happy father's day pa!! I love u!!

Dedicated to my lovely father!! There are lot of stories about this great man... i won't find words to put it in my blog!! those are there in my sweet memories :)!


Narayanan Venkitu said...

Dad's are great. I admire my dad even more when I have my kids. I am sure you will to...when you start having kids ( Do you already?)

I had a similar incident a few weeks back with my older daughter when I used a unsuitable word..and she commented on it saying she didn't expect it.!

Dad's are great and Thank god for giving us such wonderful dad's

I liked your post.!

bgood said...

thanks narayanan. I am yet to taste the fatherhood :)

bgood said...

Thanks for coming by. Thanks much for blogrolling me :) I have done urs already!